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React JS

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  • react Study Notes React JS Study Notes - Paid

    • Created By : INSS
    • Course Level : Basic to Advance
    • Format : PDF + CODE

    React JS is a JavaScript Library for building front end application or user interfaces (UI). ReactJS allows us to create reusable UI components.

    Prerequisite & Software Requirements:
    1. Basic Knowledge of HTML,Css and JavaScript ES 6
    2. Any computer - Mac, Windows, Linux
    3. Any Web Browser - Chrome, Firefox, Safari
    4. Any Text Editor - Notepad++, VS Code, Brackets
    5. Internet access

    We are covering in this course:
    1. What is React JS
    2. How React JS Works
    3. How to Setup
    4. Directory Structure
    5. Way of Creating Components
    6. JSX (JavaScript XML)
    7. Props
    8. State
    9. Event Handling
    10. Lifecycle Methods
    11. Hooks
    12. Conditional Rendering
    13. List
    14. React JS with CSS
    15. How to use Images/PDF/Doc etc
    16. Form
    17. Refs
    18. Higher Order Component
    19. Context API
    20. Error Boundaries
    21. Strict Mode

    BUY Notes @ Rs.50/-